Strike Funds

Welcome to Strike Funds

Strike Funds is a Pennsylvania limited liability company based in Pottstown, PA.

Our mission is simple, to find unclaimed or abandoned funds, and return them to their rightful owner.  We research federal, state, and local databases to find the unclaimed funds, and once we do, we find the rightful owner to inform them that this money has been located.  From there, we handle the entire claims process from start to finish.


How It Works

Search for Your Funds

We audit government agencies by identifying sources of lost, missing, or unclaimed funds

Make Contact

We locate the rightful owners of these funds

Our Agreement

We send the paperwork needed to use our services

Get Your Money

We put in the work to get you paid

About Us

Michael Ellis and Nina Marano Ellis

We are a husband and wife team who have been married since 2016 but have been sharing dreams together since 1998.  The foundation of our relationship was built upon a wonderful friendship that grew and flourished into the loving marriage we share today.  It is upon this very foundation that we have dedicated ourselves to working together in a career that not only further solidifies our relationship, but also allows us to serve our shared purpose of helping others.  Strike Funds, LLC was formed in 2019 to do just that! 
We discovered that across the country, there are thousands of people who are owed money by the government.  Most of the people owed this money are unaware that it even exists.  What’s worse, is that if the money being held is not claimed within a certain time frame, it “escheats” or is lawfully transferred to the holding entity and is lost forever!  We think this process is completely unfair and wrong!  We feel that it is our duty to pass along the knowledge we have gained in order to help those who are owed these funds.  If you have received a letter or a phone call from us, rest assured, this is not a scam!  This is an offering to allow us to work for you and to retrieve what is rightfully yours before it is lost forever.  We understand the hesitancy you might have to call us back.  Those who have called back are happy that they did, as we focus all our time and effort into getting them results.  We have learned there has been no better investment that we have made in our lives than acquiring the necessary skills needed to be able to do this work.  It truly is a wonderful feeling to change the lives of those who have allowed us to work for them!
We are upfront and honest with our clients and encourage them to ask as many questions as needed for them to make an informed decision.  As we begin the asset recovery process and work with our clients, we keep them informed every step of the way.  We never once ask for any personal information including social security numbers or bank account information!  We do not get paid unless our clients get paid from the funds we recover.
Our mission in this business, and in this life, is to create happiness for ourselves and for those who interact with us.  To not share what we have learned with you would be wrong.  We sincerely hope to have the opportunity to work with you!  Please give us a call today…there is nothing to lose, and money to be gained!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a scam?

This question is at the top of the list, and for good reason!  With so many scams out there, it is wise for you to be skeptical.  Rest assured, this is NOT a scam.  We are real people running a real business!  Strike Funds, LLC was created to help people, not hurt them.  We are honest, hardworking professionals.  We are always available to our clients, and encourage them to ask as many questions as possible to ensure that they are comfortable using our service.

How do you find the funds?

We use our resources to search local, state, and federal government databases to identify the sources of funds. 

How do you find the owners of these funds?

Oftentimes, the government agencies we audit have mailing addresses of the fund owners.  If our initial letter is returned as undelivered, we will use other search methods like online directories, social media, and online search tools. 

Where are these funds located?

The funds may be held at various federal, state, and local agencies, or private entities such as banks and insurance companies.

Is there a time limit to claim these funds?

If the funds are currently being held by a government agency and they are not claimed within a specified period of time, the unclaimed property will become the property of the government.  We work hard to ensure that we get these funds released to our clients before this happens!

How long does it take to get the money?

The claims process typically takes anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks depending on the agency currently holding the unclaimed funds.  Most agencies holding funds are not very eager to release them, but we stay on top of them from start to finish to ensure that your money gets released.

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